Shareholder Information

A word from the president
This IPO opens new perspectives for Medical Devices Venture. After having already created four particularly promising companies, to which we associate our recognized industrial know-how in the design, manufacturing and marketing of technology products, we are pursuing with determination our vision: to be a gas pedal of health technologies responding to important unmet needs by relying on the expertise of the best researchers of major French and European laboratories. Our innovative investment model, the combination of scientific and industrial expertise, a particularly buoyant market and products with considerable potential are all assets that will be decisive in our success. Together with a fundraising of 2.3 million euros, the IPO of Medical Devices Venture is an essential step in the success of our roadmap, in the increase of our reputation and in the access to new sources of financing to accelerate tomorrow’s health technologies.
Identity sheet of the action
- Listing market: Euronext Access+.
- ISIN Code: FR0014006PT9
- Mnemonic code: MLMDV
- Listing procedure : Direct admission following a private placement
- Number of shares making up the share capital:1,191,666 existing shares, with a par value of 30 euro cents each.
- Number of shares sold on the day of listing: not applicable
- Price per share: 12 euros
- Valuation retained at registration: 14,299,992 euros
- Opening of negotiations: February 10, 2022
- PEA and PEA PME eligibility: Yes
How to become a shareholder
Medical Devices Venture was listed on Euronext Access+ on February 10, 2022 by « Direct Admission » (following a private placement). The securities listed on the Access+ market are quoted according to a harmonized double fixing system at 11:30 am and 4:30 pm with a continuous trading phase at the last price from 11:30 am to 3 pm and from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
If you wish to become a shareholder of Medical Devices Venture, you just have to approach your usual financial intermediary (bank, online broker, etc.).
Euronext Access + is a market segment aimed at companies wishing to benefit from simplified access to the stock market in order to facilitate a transfer to the Euronext Growth market. The terms of admission and listing are less strict than on the so-called regulated markets. The risk associated with an investment on Euronext Access + may therefore be higher than when investing in a company on the regulated market.
An Information Document relating to the listing of Medical Devices Venture shares on Euronext Access+ is available below under the heading « Financial Documentation ». As the transaction does not require a visa from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF), this Information Document has not been submitted to the AMF for approval.
Shareholding structure
ARCHOS SA holds 1,000,000 shares (83.9% of the capital) and has entered into an irrevocable lock-up agreement for a period of 365 days from the date of the listing.